
Entity Definition

Logical Name : StoredValueCardSupplement

This outrigger table supplements the information in the StoredValueInstrument entity by providing a place for magnetic card stored value media.

Data Definition

Attribute Description Physical Name Domain Data Type Foreign Key Table
StoredValueInstrumentID (FK)(PK) A token ID for a StoredValueInstrument ID_STRD_VL_INSTRMNT Identity integer StoredValueInstrument(DO_STRD_VL_INSTRMNT)
CardHolderName The name of the cardholder, as taken from the card. NM_CRD_HLD Name varchar(40)
CardExpirationDate The expiration date of the Credit or Debit card, as taken from the card in MMYY format. DC_EP_CRD Code4 char(4)
Track1CreditCardBitMap Defines the bit pattern used on track 1 of the magnetic strip on the back of a StoredValueInstrument DE_TRCK_1_BT_MP BitMap binary(128)
Track2CreditCardBitMap Defines the bit pattern used on track 2 of the magnetic strip on the back of a credit card. DE_TRCK_2_BT_MP BitMap binary(128)
Track3CreditCardBitMap Defines the bit pattern used on track 3 of the magnetic strip on the back of a credit card. DE_TRCK_3_BT BitMap binary(128)
Track4CreditCardBitMap Defines the bit pattern used on track 4 of the magnetic strip on the back of a credit card. BM_CR_CRD_TRK_4 BitMap binary(128)
CardIssuerSequenceNumber The IssueSequnce number of the credit card being used assigned by the Credit/Debit Card issuer. AI_CRD_ISS Identity integer
CardStartDate The commencement date of the Credit or Debit card, as taken from the card in MMYY format. DT_CRD_SRT Code4 char(4)
ServiceCode The value of the service field from the card. In XML this is referred to as a SecurityCode. The names vary from one credit debit card provider to another. Both are the same thing - a 3-4 digit code used to validate a card at the POS. CD_SV Code4 char(4)


Parent Entity Verb Phrase Child Entity
StoredValueInstrument is extended by StoredValueCardSupplement

Logical Views containing StoredValueCardSupplement

Logical View
Logical 01420 - Prepaid and Stored Value Payment Instruments
Logical 02390 - Retail Transaction - Stored Value Instrument